
In case you're wondering...

The Manta ray, our emblem
An energy expert, possessing unparalleled precision, the manta ray represents freedom. It is a protective animal that symbolises humility and wisdom. It represents calm and the desire to remain in the shade.
This emblem symbolises reflection before action, and the management of the right actions at the right time.
TETHYS chose this emblem because it highlights teamwork in the shadow of major clients and the fact each solution we create is the fruit of careful reflection.
The symbolism of Tethys name

Tethys is a goddess of Greek mythology. She is part of the Titans family, children of Gaia - Earth and Ouranos - Sky. She represents oceans and she plays a beneficial role.

The parallel is that TETHYS SAS intervenes in all areas : Earth, Air and Sea and benefits from the power of the titans by its mastery of a powerful source of energy.

Little bit of history
The origin of pyrotechnics is said to date back to the 7th century when it appeared in China, in particular in the Shanxi region, with its rich deposits of saltpetre, a key constituent of gunpowder, and in Byzantine Greece with Greek fire.
According to legend, it arrived in Europe in the 13th century, imported by Marco Polo for military applications and entertainment.
Colourful fireworks appeared in Italy in 1540. Used today in many fields, pyrotechnics buil its reputation thanks to illustrious scientists such as Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, Marcelin Berthelot and Paul Vieille.

For a long time, it was used only in festive activities or in wartime.
The airbag, the forerunner for civil applications of pyrotechnics
Civil applications grew rapidly in France in the 1970s with the development of the first airbags for passive protection of vehicle occupants.
Initially reserved for luxury vehicles, the technology became widely available worldwide at the request of motorists.
Today, there are more than 20 pyrotechnic devices on certain high-end vehicles (side and front airbags, bonnet lift system, seat belt pretensioners, knee protectors, anti-submarining systems, circuit breakers, fuel cut-off, battery cut-out for electric cars).
The impact of pyrotechnics in motor vehicles was to a strong boost for civil applications hitherto limited by regulatory constraints and by ignorance of the process.

From nuclear security to seabed exploration

Now commonplace thanks to the airbag, industrial civil pyrotechnics today extends to many fields, including personal safety, nuclear safety and industrial processes, weapon systems and aeronautical applications, since the technology can be deployed in extreme, even inaccessible environments, ranging from the bottom of the oceans to the highest altitudes.

The very characteristics of equipment and systems incorporating pyrotechnic materials (power, compactness, availability, reliability, security) make them essential in the defence, industry and aeronautics sectors, especially for security applications.

These sectors are the primary focus for the expertise of TETHYS® which ensures the design, development and production of numerous pyro-mechanical systems, while constantly striving for a maximum level of operational safety and absolute compliance with regulatory constraints.

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